發布(bu)時(shi)間:2017-10-21 來源: 點擊數(shu):96053次
November 14 - 17, 2017 in Macau, China
Conference, exhibition and plant tours organized by World Recycling Forum
Do not miss this highly informative conference with leading recycling experts from around the world – including manufacturers, recyclers, refurbishers, remanufacturers, recycling associations, legislators and policy-makers.
Top reasons to attend:
Asia’s power has a strong impact on the international recycling business
Premier electronics & cars recycling conference in Asia-Pacific where Western recyclers and OEMs can meet with the Asian electronics & cars recycling industry
Outstanding conference program: Opportunity to hear about the most pressing issues
Integrated exhibition area within the conference location, offering a perfect backdrop to find out, one-on-one, what’s new in the global electronics & cars recycling region
Participate at one of the various, informative workshops
Plant tours: Opportunity to visit actual recycling facilities to develop a feel and understanding for what’s happening inside Asia’s fast-developing electronics & cars recycling industry
Intimate platform to interact with speakers, exhibitors, business partners and potential clients during the cocktails and coffee breaks and at the meet your clients reception
Topics scheduled to be part of the program include:button reuse recycling wrf16
Cars recyclingbutton circular economy wrf16
Electronics recycling
Circular Economy – Government initiatives
Latest sorting and processing technologies
Manufacturer take-back schemes and recycling efforts
Reuse and remanufacturing
Reducing risks in take-back of used electronics and cars
Transboundary shipment of reusable units
Update about funding and financing for recycling projects in Asia
Dismantling versus shredding, best practices for highest ROI
If you wish to make the most of opportunities, the Electronics & Cars Recycling is the ideal event for you!
Electronics & Cars Recycling 金(jin)屬(shu)資源循環利用國際(ji)論壇
中國澳(ao)門(men), 2017年11月14日–17日
n 報廢(fei)汽車的(de)回收利用(yong)
n 家用電(dian)器及電(dian)子廢棄物的循環(huan)利用
n 移動電子設備
n 循環經濟(ji)
n 最新(xin)分選及處理技術(shu)
n 生產商回收渠道及(ji)生產商責(ze)任制
n 再(zai)利(li)用和再(zai)制造
n 降(jiang)低廢棄物搜(sou)集中的危險性
n 廢棄物全球物流
n 亞洲投資項目中資金來源及融資渠道
n 投資回(hui)報率高的拆解破碎技術(shu)及設備介(jie)紹
展覽(lan)區論壇設置了展覽(lan)區,?為提供技術(shu),服務(wu)及(ji)設備的(de)企業搭建和(he)目標客戶(hu)直接溝通(tong)的(de)平臺.? 展臺有限,?盡早預定.?
如有(you)興趣參與請聯系: ICM AG, Schwaderhof 7, 5708 Birrwil, Switzerland
電話 +41 62 785 1000 中(zhong)文咨詢 182 176 28910
凡本網(wang)注明“來源: XxXx (CELVE,報廢汽車(che)產鏈專業服(fu)務(wu)平臺)”的(de)文字、圖片(pian),均轉(zhuan)載(zai)自(zi)其它媒體,轉(zhuan)載(zai)目的(de)在于傳遞更多信息,并不代表本網(wang)贊同其觀(guan)點和對(dui)其真實性負責(ze)。